Professional orientation in the economic lyceum number 2 in the city of Nikolaev

On April 22, 2019, a very important meeting took place with the assistant professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the National Pharmaceutical University, Dr.V.D. Morozenka with a pedagogical team and students of one of the most modern and most prestigious institutions of secondary education in the South of Ukraine – Mykolayiv Economic Lyceum №2. Interestingly, this unique institution, despite its name, today has a very diverse focus of learning: children are studying not only in classes with an economic and computer training profile, but also in the chemistry and biological class! For the first time students of the Lyceum were given a lecture on the National Pharmaceutical University, demonstrated the opportunities and prospects for further education and professional growth together with the NFU!
Library of the Lyceum received gifts from the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the NFUU – textbooks on microbiology, medical and veterinary parasitology, sponsored by the professors N.I. Filimonov and associate professor O.G. Heydrich! We sincerely thank all the employees of the lyceum, personally – to the Director of the Company Anatoly Sergeevich and his unchanging class teacher Kulakova Tetyana Oleksiivna for the assistance and preparation of the meeting! We look forward to further cooperation in the education and training of talented young people in Ukraine!

Professional orientation in the economic lyceum number 2 in the city of Nikolaev Professional orientation in the economic lyceum number 2 in the city of Nikolaev Professional orientation in the economic lyceum number 2 in the city of Nikolaev

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