Student Scientific Society

Student Scientific Society“Student Scientific Society of NUPH – first steps in science”

Student Scientific Society of departments of microbiology, virology, and immunology

Student Scientific SocietyOlga Shapovalova

Head of the student scientific society, associate professor
of departments of Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology



Alina Metelska  Student Scientific Society

President of Student Scientific Society (SSS), 4th-year student of the Specialty 224 Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment,



Student Scientific SocietyThe student scientific society (SST) unites students who are interested in expanding their knowledge of medical, pharmaceutical, and veterinary microbiology beyond the educational program. These are caring young people who find time to immerse themselves in the scientific world, and then make an interesting report about the most modern achievements in science and their combination with practice.


Student Scientific SocietyThe SSS of our department was founded in 1932 and has an interesting and meaningful history. Under the guidance of the department’s educators, students conduct scientific research in laboratories of the university based on scientific institutions and medical laboratories in Kharkiv, other cities of Ukraine, and abroad. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the number of members of the department’s SSS was 54 students, of which 5 were foreign students. Members of the SSS took part in scientific and practical conferences and have published 36 scientific works.


  1. microbiological and biotechnological substantiation of the creation of new antimicrobial and immunobiological complex preparations;
  2. improvement of probiotic therapy;
  3. creation of immunodiagnostics;
  4. creation of drugs for the treatment of skin infections;
  5. studying biochemical processes in bacterial cells;
  6. microbiological control of cosmetics, and preservatives;
  7. microbiological substantiation of the composition of beekeeping products

 WORK PLAN of the SSS of the Department of Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology for the academic year 2023-2024


Activities Deadline Responsible
1. Meetings of the SSS. Work report for the 2021-2022 academic year. Discussion of topics of scientific research. Approval of the work plan of the circle

October 2023

Responsible for the work of SSS
Assoc. Shapovalova O.V
2. Selection of individual research topics. Drawing up individual work plans of group members.

Preparation for participation in the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation “YOUTH PHARMACY SCIENCE”

November 2023

SSS members, academic supervisors


3. Meetings of the circle dedicated to the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation “YOUTH PHARMACY SCIENCE”

December 7-8, 2023

Members of the SSS, academic supervisors
4. Review of reports of group members on the implementation of work plans for 1 semester

January 2024

Members of the SSS, academic supervisors
5. Listening to materials prepared for the conference of young scientists and students

February 2024

Head. departments, academic supervisors,
members of the SSS
6. Drafting abstracts of reports and illustrative material for a scientific conference

March 2024

Members of the SSS, academic supervisors
7. Participation in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Actual Issues in the Creation of New Medicines”

April 2024

Members of the SSS, academic supervisors
8. Drawing up a report, discussing the results of the group’s work for the current year

May 2024

Members of the SSS, scientific supervisors, Responsible for the work of the SSS
9. Carrying out scientific research, processing results, preparing publications

During the year,

members of the SSS, academic supervisors

Social initiatives/projects of SNT department:
Participation of students and teachers in the charitable project “The world in the hands of children”

Student Scientific Society Student Scientific Society Student Scientific Society Student Scientific Society

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